20230123 美国洛杉矶霍尼韦尔氟产品装置爆炸导致氟化氢/氯气泄漏

信息编号 00004218

事故时间 2023-01-23

事故地点 美国;

事故摘要 2023年1月23日,位于美国洛杉矶的霍尼韦尔氟产品装置一换热器破裂,导致爆炸和蒋进870磅的氟化氢泄漏(同时有1700磅氯气)。当地政府关闭附近高速,工厂员工就地避难。事故未造成人员伤亡,财产损失预估400万美元。

涉事单位 Honeywell International Fluorine Products

所在行业 石油化工

事故类型 释放/泄漏

工艺设备 换热器

涉及化学品 氟化氢,氯气

On January 23, 2023, a heat exchanger ruptured at the Honeywell facility, resulting in an explosion and the release of approximately 870 pounds of hydrogen fluoride (as well as 1,700 pounds of chlorine). Local officials closed nearby highways, and workers at the facility sheltered in place. Property damage at the facility is estimated to be $4 million. No one was seriously injured or killed in this event, but the release could have put workers at the facility and nearby residents at serious risk under different circumstances.