20111003 美国德克萨斯Magnablend公司吨桶引发大火

20111003 美国德克萨斯Magnablend公司吨桶引发大火

信息编号 00003968

事故时间 2011-10-03

事故地点 美国;得克萨斯州 Texas;

事故摘要 2011年10月3日,位于美国德克萨斯州的Magnablend公司发生大火,大火烧了4天,大火与装有矿物油的塑料吨桶有关。 虽然装置设置有足够的喷淋系统,但是由于易燃液体的池火效应,导致大火无法得到控制。

涉事单位 Magnablend, Inc

所在行业 石油化工

事故类型 火灾

工艺设备 料桶/IBC/FIBC

On October 3,
2011, this 12,000 m² (100,000 ft²) chemical facility suffered
a fire involving plastic IBCs containing mineral oil that
burned for four days, consuming most of the premises.
While the plant was equipped with adequately designed
sprinkler systems, the fire could not be controlled due to
the pool fire behavior of the flammable and combustible
liquids. During the fire, firefighters were forced to quickly
pull back. During the retreat, a fire engine was engulfed by
the fire and destroyed as the flames and liquid spread
quickly across the ground.