20220105 印度古吉拉特工业区毒气释放致6死20多伤

信息编号 00003706

事故时间 2022-01-05

事故地点 印度;古吉拉特 Gujarāt;

死亡人数 6人

受伤人数 >20人

事故摘要 2022年1月5日,印度古吉拉特Surat工业区发生一起毒气释放事故,造成6人死亡,20多人入院治疗。

直接原因 一槽罐车非法将化工废物倾倒到该工厂附近的河流,可能和水反应产生毒性气体。

所在行业 其它

事故类型 释放/泄漏

工艺设备 槽车

涉及化学品 化工废料

Six workers at a dyeing and printing mill in India were killed and more than 20 were taken to hospital on Thursday after inhaling toxic gas caused by an illegal dump of waste chemicals, officials said.

The disaster took place in the industrial city of Surat in Gujarat state at around 4 a.m. (2230 GMT). The workers were in the mill when some chemicals were dumped nearby, police and a fire officer said.

"Chemicals were being illegally discharged from a tanker into a rivulet close to the mill, which possibly reacted with another chemical in the water and created toxic gas," the chief fire officer of Surat Municipal Corporation, Basant Pareek, told Reuters.

"The workers inhaled the gas and started feeling suffocation. When we reached the scene, the workers were found collapsed on the road in their attempt to escape."